Family® Part 2 Project 2005 Yu Jordy Fu Royal College of Art | UK "Britain has the highest divorce rate in Europe with one in two children experiencing their parent's divorce before the age of 16""In the past five years, property values have doubled, yet there are 30,500 homeless households in London, and half a million children living in overcrowded conditions"In response to the changing notion of family, a new company Family® specialises in the commodification of ‘family moments’; Family® works to replace housing with alternative hybrid architecture. At Eastern Quarry in Dartford, a Family® town is built and run by Family®, everyone must pay rent, follow Family® rules and play certain Family® roles at certain time.A series of Family® events will be organised, at which disassociated people can share moments together and provide care, comfort, and support for each other.The Family® Town is a hybrid, time-based environment comprised of new types of “houses”. Whilst remaining a house in its primary sense, they are also essential facilities designed to match your requirements during different relationship points in your lives. Family® Town comprises HomeShop, HomeChurch, HomeSchool, HomePark, HomePlayground and HomeCasino, all of which enhance the feeling of family. These fusions of house and services join together to form ONE home; an extensive, white, continuous, layered structure that manipulates space through solid, void and light. Yu Jordy Fu The continuing rise of single households in the UK has caused Jordy to speculate that the solo life is here to stay.And rather than seeing this change as a negativeproposition, she transforms it into a highly desirablelifestyle option by proposing a caring organisationthat specialises in the commodification of the ‘familymoment’. The company provides a ‘brother’ to playfootball on a summer’s afternoon, or a ‘mother’ tobake cakes or cook a hearty breakfast any day of the week. Family and commerce become inextricably linked. It’s a true modernist dream of freedom andindividuality