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Creative Learning Spaces: A User Perspective Analysis About the Impact of Design Studio Spaces on Creativity

Part 2 Dissertation 2020
Sachintha Pramod Rathnayaka Manamperi
University of Moratuwa | Sri Lanka
Learning environments are one of the strongest factors which affects the learning process of students. But designers have resorted to duplicating the traditional classroom typology that has been repeatedly and unscientifically used through the ages when designing learning environments.

In this paper, a comprehensive framework for assessing creativity is established through the definition of theories and interpretations. Also, literature on creative learning spaces is used in developing a theory to be used as a guideline when evaluating their quality. The methodology of the research and how the two frameworks derived previously connects to it is also illustrated. A user perspective analysis regarding the perception of the students on studio spaces is used to investigate the relationship between spatial characteristics of space types in studios and intrinsic characteristics of creativity.

The direct connection between studio spaces and the creativity of students as well as spatial characteristics of studio spaces and intrinsic characteristics of creativity is seen through the results. Thus, it is recommended that architectural design studios should be specifically designed with careful consideration of prioritized spatial characteristics relating to each space type. This will in turn aid in fostering the creative potentials of the minds of architecture students.

Dr Milinda Pathiraja
• Page Hits: 3616         • Entry Date: 02 August 2020         • Last Update: 09 November 2020