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Part 1 Dissertation 2001
Valentini Kaimaki
University of Bath | UK
Initiated by the question of the importance and value of the virtual image within the architetural context, this text examines the position of the reproduced image within the broader cultural condition. The structure follows my personal path of investigtion, which concludes with the concept of virtulty.
In the first part I examine the concept and implications of the image as a means of communication. The emphasis is placed on the elements, which relate to the use of the image as an agent of symbolic meaning. Reference is made to Budrillard and Virilo, Ramonet and Sontag.
The second part evolves from the previus one as an analysis of the media image - cocentrating on the example of television. The concept of fiction consitutes the guiding theme of the chapter.
In the final part, I perceive the virtual image as a constructive element, rather than a fictional delusion. The question of spatial representation will be re-introduced, and its examination will constitute the closing part of the study.

This dissertation examines the important relationship between the 'Virtual' and the 'Real'. Questions of authenticity, and cultural conditioning are addressed. In the course of her investigation, the student consulted key thinkers on these matters, including Baudrillard, Sontag and Adorno.

• Page Hits: 6444         • Entry Date: 11 June 2001         • Last Update: 11 June 2001