4 Star Project in the Eastern Island Part 2 Project 2006 Ernesto BerliAriel Bonomo University of Mendoza | Argentina The work is about a fifty two rooms five star hotel situated in Easter Island, right in the middle of the south Chilean Pacific.It postulates architecture as a way of contemplation and devotion of astros, nature, and past; whiches define its caracter. Its site, over a clift nearest to the unique beach area and historic Moais, allows to think the project throughout addition, subtraction and translation of circle volumes, platonic, compositive and armonic shapes for exelence, whiches get related to the field, its pendients and natural mistic enviorment. Ernesto BerliAriel Bonomo Conceptual clarity of the generating idea. This is achieved by respecting the natural and cultural environment. The steeping and concentric configuration of the shape highlights the tourist nature of the project.The building has a clear functional organization which invites you to enjoy pleasant indoors without sacrificing the outdoors