University campus in Moscow Part 2 Project 2009 Sergey GlubokinEvgenia Murinets Moscow Architectural Institute | Russia Today complex of problems in educational sphere is rather wide. It contains educational process, organization of student’s free time, level of convenience and dormitories.One of existing decisions to make things go better is to connect institutes into one “federation”.Such kind of organization means that institutes have one headquarters with offices, lecture halls, administration and so on.In Russia there is a list of problems to create campus:- lack of common spaces in dormitories- lack of places to eat- far of sport function- far of educational institution- lack of dormitories- problem of relationship between students and professors It is important to mark the relationship between functions. The main idea was to create a connection between all parts of the buildings. One of the most needed solutions was how to rule the intersection of students and professors. First project has apartments for professors on 3 and 4 floors of the most quiet block. It has an entrance from the street, through the passage between blocks. But the professors block is not disconnected from the other building and has an access to all public spaces of the building. Second project has similar situation in relations between students, laboratory staff and common visitors.The main task before start of design was to find common structure for different functions.Important feature of both choosed structures is flexibility. Diploma studio investigates the territory of Basmanniy district in the center of Moscow,near Kurskiy Railroad station, along Yauza River, between the Garden Ringand the Third Transport Ring. The projects are not conceived as a single urbanensemble, although coexist in adialogue with each other. Rather they address suchsymptomatic problems of contemporary city as: densification of the historical center,regeneration of post-industrial areas, waterfront development, development oftransportation and social infrastructure.Both diploma projects share the intensive form-finding process that lead to the developmentof the architectural, structural and urban solutions through the methodof translation and adaptation. "The form-finding process is based on the formationresearch and algorithm development further manifested in physical modeling andmaterial experimentation, the process that can be described as uself-organizationof material systems under the influence of extrinsic forces" [The Emergence DesignGroup, 2007]. Tutor(s) Anya Bokov