Human Nature Part 2 Project 2011 Marie Kojzar Royal College of Art | UK In 2021, the government’s privatization of nature has changed the English landscape and its value. The world ofluxury goods sees an opportunity to capitalize on the improved beauty of genetic engineering, and a growingdemand from eco-guilty consumers who have lost their faith in climate science. Responding to dichotomies in humanbehaviour, a flawed eco-industry sees a new dawn through genetically engineered nature that ensures an authenticconcern for environmental conservation through consumer attractions.Sited in Epping Forest, building and landscape are merged into a new genetically engineered ‘nature factory’ forluxury goods, masqueraded as a revamped ‘eco-industry’. Engineered eco-materials present an opportunity toexplore an unorthodox approach to green building, using the forest landscape as a pallet to engage with a newholistic architecture in which fashion meets nature, form meets harvest and perfection meets chaos.The proposal explores the relationship between temporary and permanent buildings. The main factory serves as the‘classic’ whilst the always changing shop fronts occupy new sites around the landscape to provide a changingfashion in material, texture as well as form, leaving traces around the landscape. An architecture that is based onstage sets satisfy a constant consumer demand for change.The British government’s 2010 plan to sell off public forests acts as a catalyst to the project, which investigates thepotential near future scenario of a privitization of nature and its consequenses. The evolution of the Englishlandscape will have to consider current trends such as an increase in ethical consumer culture and the momentumgained by scientific advances such as genetic engineering.The government stresses that the sell off is looking to energise our forests by bringing in fresh ideas and investment,and by putting conservation in the hands of local communities. On the contrary, the likelihood is that the clients willinstead be commercial enterprises, which means hidden motives and unanticipated consequenses that may notresonate well with orthodox conservation methods. The project aims to propose a scenario that investigates thecontrasting nature of an antidote and the fact that not everything in this world that is seen to do good comes withouta pay-off. Marie Kojzar Tutor(s) Rosy Head Nicola Koller