Rising from the Horizons Part 1 Project 2014 Yeung Ho Yin Chinese University of Hong Kong | China BackgroundSince the eighteenth century, salt farming has always been the core value of Yim Tin Tsai Island, and introducing vertical salt farm¬ing to the Island is therefore almost an intuitive response. Vertical salt farming salt block serves to innovate the abandoned industry, and further pushes such culture beyond the physical constraints of the Island.A Change of DimensionBringing dimensional and operational contrast to the existing salt farm – from horizontal to a vertical gesture— the Vertical Salt Farming Block is experimenting an extension of localized salt farming industry beyond the Island, and beyond physical constraints of traditional horizontal salt pans.Education through ActionTo education, the Environmental Education Centre exhibits and illustrates the potential of salt farming over settings apart from the rural, towards anywhere. Visitors are exposed to both visual and physical contact with salt farming. The salt block displays both cultural and aesthetic values of the industry, Salt faming will have more than just for survival value to villagers. Over the timeline of Yim Tin Tsai, vertical salt farming extends the life of the industry. Yeung Ho Yin Tutor(s) Min Jung Maing