Play Like a Girl Part 2 Project 2021 Emily Wickham Royal College of Art | UK This thesis frames grassroots womxn’s football as a radical act: it is a tool to be utilised in order to shift perceptions of how womxn can occupy public space.With this in mind, what if we were to change hackney marshes football pitches to a womxn only space? How might this happen, and what might the consequences be?In order to make meaningful progress towards equality for womxn in society, can we use space or in the case of this design thesis the ‘football field’ as a tool to make informed decisions regarding the ‘fields’ of planning policy and nuanced architectural design.The proposal is for a ‘womxn’s commons’ situated within Hackney Marshes that reveals the park’s longer history of ‘commoning’. It is a space that gives womxn the opportunity to gather in public by participating and performing in sport. This architecture is serving as a deconstruction of what society sees as womxn’s roles/femininity whilst reframing the idea of the commons. A series of interior and exterior scenes will illustrate the design proposal, intervening in 4 different spaces: landscape, media, policy, and body. Emily Wickham Tutor(s) Clara Kraft Isono Satoshi Isono Guan Lee