Sensitize the Design of Contemplation Spaces to the User Experience: The New Museum of Architecture in Bogotá Part 2 Project 2022 Luis Felipe Hernandez Pilot University of Colombia Bogota | Colombia Designing museums could be understood as a dichotomy: Should museums be considered utilitarian buildings? Artwork containers? Or instead, should the architectural design be deserving of the spotlight and be considered artwork itself? This project takes the second path, the museum design is approached as a Spatial Sequence that interacts with the spectator and fills with emotion whoever walks through it.To accomplish this, the New Museum of Architecture in Bogotá, Colombia, is a place where there is not an actual material heritage to keep and display; instead, it is a museum mostly dedicated to highlight the immaterial cultural character of the surroundings it is set into. It is only until the spectators walk through it, that their attention is captured towards the urban landmarks of the surroundings, not only as highlighted points, but they also distinguish hints of how they interact with each other in the same urban context. Tutor(s) William Blain Lopez