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Sport Centre for High Performance

Part 1 Project 2003
Maria Soledad Pellegrini
George Wilson
University of Mendoza | Argentina

Project description

This project is located in grounds of an old train station that used to recibe hundreds of immigrants a day by the beginnings of this century. Now abandoned, the railway remain as tracks of past times.

Being next to an old sporting club which one of these immigrants established, the creation of spaces destined for sports and sportsmen residencies is a natural response to this location.

As the train connected different places, the exterior spaces connect different activities. The english influence, the lineal aspect and the route, are characteristics of these circulations that relate residential and sports zones by the means of bridges and wide open spaces, that tend to erase the barrier originated by the railway tracks.

Maria Soledad Pellegrini
George Wilson

Architecture III
The workshop’s main objective is that the student understands the relationship between Architecture and its cultural environment, with special attention to the narrow connection between nature, environment and landscape.
It is of particular interest that the student
· learns to relate areas according to their activities, being these areas part of a whole that configures an architectural ensemble
· acquires knowledge/skills that through design would allow the creation of spaces that contribute to people’s development.
As an end result, the student should be able to understand the characteristics of interior and exterior spaces and discover through their relationship the intermediate spaces generated which are the connecting bridge to integrate Architecture with its landscape.

Descripción del proyecto

El proyecto se emplaza en un terreno que pertenecía a una antigua estación ferroviaria, que a principios de siglo recibía a cientos de inmigrantes diariamente. Ya abandonada solo quedan las vías como huellas de tiempos pasados.

Situado junto a un antiguo club deportivo fundado por uno de estos inmigrantes, la creación de espacios para actividades y residencias deportivas surgen como respuesta natural.

Del mismo modo que el tren unía distintos puntos, los espacios exteriores conectan las distintas actividades. La impronta inglesa, la linealidad y el recorrido caracterizan estas circulaciones que unen las zonas residenciales y deportivas mediante puentes y amplios espacios abiertos, que desmaterializan la barrera generada por las vías.

Project description

This project is located in grounds of an old train station that used to recibe hundreds of immigrants a day by the beginnings of this century. Now abandoned, the railway remain as tracks of past times.

Being next to an old sporting club which one of these immigrants established, the creation of spaces destined for sports and sportsmen residencies is a natural response to this location.

As the train connected different places, the exterior spaces connect different activities. The english influence, the lineal aspect and the route, are characteristics of these circulations that relate residential and sports zones by the means of bridges and wide open spaces, that tend to erase the barrier originated by the railway tracks.

Dr Igea Troiani
• Page Hits: 6778         • Entry Date: 09 July 2003         • Last Update: 09 July 2003