"overflowed hints"...cultural platform Part 1 Project 2005 Felix AlvayayJana Petrovic University of La Serena | Chile A place that it hides, that it gets known gradually, discovering through our steps the builds of different encounter moments between the people which makes corners that turn to search the light apertures letting know the territory and the body’s appearance through overflowed hints that show the magnitude of the valley.Spatial Quality:A knowing where the shadows softens to flexibles spaces, where the man builds dismembered corners to a border encounter through platform that join until a luminous emptiness.Builted emptiness by fragmented volumes that sieves the light to mark the hints tour…Showing silhouettes, thresholds and platforms.Proposal:Cultural platform to encounterA place that receive a reserved permanency which projects a meeting with the unknown to place the body. Felix AlvayayJana Petrovic LOCATION: MONTEPATRIA, LIMARÍ VALLEY, CHILE.HIS PROJECT ASSIMILATES THE EXISTING CULTURAL PLACES OF “MONTEPATRIA”.HE LOCATED HIS PROJECT IN THE SLOPE, SO THIS SITUATION GIVE PARTICULAR CONDITIONS TO INTERIOR SPACES.THE PROPOSED BUILDING GENERATES INTERESTING WELL-DEFINED SPACES ACROSS THE SITE, WITH EXHIBITION ROOMS, LEARNING AND READING SPACES.THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE PARTS ALSO CREATE DIFFERENTS SQUARES IN DIFFERENTS LEVELS.THIS SITUATIONS ALOUD PEOPLE OF “MONTEPATRIA” MEET EACH OTHER AND RECOGNIZE THEIR OWN CONTEXT.WE PARTICULARLY APPLAUD THE WAY IN WICH HIS BUILDINGS ARE A CONSEQUENCE OF THE LOCAL CULTURAL IMAGE, AND THE WAY HE SHOWS THE RELATION BETWEEN SHAPE, ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAM AND CONTEXT. Tutor(s)