DIRT: Skin of the Earth Part 1 Project 2011 Claire Holton University of Westminster | UK A detailed architectural and landscape proposal for a new multi-purposeenvironment within the site of Mappin Terrace, London Zoo, a range of concreteclad mountains, built in 1914, was a glacial home for Polar Bears. The cavernousinterior, like that of a real mountain, holds reservoirs of water that is filtered andcirculated into the Aquarium below. Mappin Terrace no longer houses PolarBears as current thinking turns more towards conservation and climate change.By celebrating an awareness of our environment, the proposal investigates aMicroscopic Zoo, using soil as a Biome whilst stimulating an interest in onesperception of dirt. It has been said that the human race knows more about certaindistant galaxies than it does about the ground below our feet.Whilst extending the concept of 'soils' the proposal delves deeper and exploresthe areas of 'Cleansing' and 'Classification'.' Cleansing' looks at sustainabilityand humans dependence on water, investigating the aquariums viability for waterrecycling and harvesting techniques. 'Classification' probes at the efforts to putorganisms into an order; architecturally the project proposes a Library of soils.Extending the original brief the new exhibit merges the former pleasure garden ofLondon Zoo, with Regents Park to celebrate the existing landscape and to capturea larger audience.Developing an architectural language inspired by strata and radial DNA diagrams,sees the proposal built around a fanning strata of walls, standing, above betweenand below London Soil. The resulting matrix of contrasting passageways andwater ducts invites the visitor to explore further. Claire Holton Tutor(s) Mike Guy John O'Shea