School Project Entries 2020

Architectural Association

Vertical Asclepeions: Reinstalling an Architecture of Public Care
Vertical Asclepeions are a network of public health sanctuaries for the care of urban mental health. Through the adaptive re-use of decommissioned tow... read on
Christopher Kokarev
Reconstructing Conservation
How can the dismantling of St Paul’s dome provide more value? As mentioned by Lewis Mumford, the very value of social history lies in the act of detac... read on
Sonia Syed
The Choreum
The Choreum, looked beyond the confines of a 12 -month student project and defined the start of an ongoing practice. Designed to confront the current ... read on
Russell Royer
An Agroforest Settlement: Rejuvenating Tonyamang’s Cacao Forest
This project is an examination of the opportunity to restore the agroforest values and traditions of the Toraja people in Tonyamang, Indonesia, dimini... read on
Alexandria Peralta