School Project Entries 2023

City School of Architecture

The Interface: Digi Community Centre
The Interface project explores the concept of "Phygital," which combines physical and digital realms to create a blended experience for Sri Lankans in... read on
Meshari Fahim
Culture Trails
The dynamic nature of our world calls for architecture to adapt and evolve with the changing needs of society. As users of a space can we craft our jo... read on
Muhammadh Akbar Ali Deen
Facilitation and Promotional Center for Indigenous Medicine
The project aims to respond to the current economic and energy crisis in Sri Lanka as it has caused an upheaval in the medical sector. the facilitatio... read on
K. Don Nithuni
Regional Dolomitic Lime Industry Facilitation and Upliftment Center
In recent years, the Dolomitic limestone mining industry of Sri Lanka has stagnated, battling against the crisis that depends on energy. This issue ca... read on
Sanggavi Hirushi Thomas