Memory versus Violence Part 2 Dissertation 2006 Andrei Egli Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism | Romania How must be dealt with a traumatic site? What is the legacy of a traumatic site and in what ways could it be put to work in an integrating way? "Memory versus Violence: Post-Traumatic Architectures" tries to analyse these questions by means of a triangle of key-terms: violence-trauma-tragic. Using the frame of antic tragedy as a model for modern public catharsis, the essay traces the long road from violence and trauma up to memory and assimilation. This serves as a theoretical background for the proposed National Documentation Centre for the Period 1945-1989, Bucharest, Romania. Romanian recent history is fingerprinted by a "black spot" over the 1945-1989 that corresponds to communist regime. The need of proper recording, interpretation and evaluation of this time, alike all Eastern Block countries is more than motivated. "Memory versus Violence: Post-Traumatic Architectures" displays a responsable, sensitive and substantial approach to isuues such as historic identity, assimilation of recent past and national critical self reflection.The dissertation value relies in stating pertinent questions aiming to find means to co-exist dignifying with your own identity.