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Estimating the Boundaries on maps - The Boundaries Administrative Divisions of Seoul from the 18th and 19th Century

Part 2 Dissertation 2013
Deokjae Kim
Korea National University of Arts | South Korea
This dissertation selects two maps each from the 18th and 19th century and estimates the boundaries of administrative divisions. By this, it studies the origins of Korean urban system and the theories and ideas that inuenced it.

People commonly think inside the boundaries of maps. However, in Europe it is said to be after the French Revolution when for the rst time a nation's 'territory' was dened by the boundary of the state. Korea is not an exception. Although the boundaries of administrative divisions denetly existed, but it did not appear until
the 20th century.

Through this process, I could nd out that the roads and streams carried the role of borderlines and that the reason for this was the division method, Korean traditional road systems and psychology.

The signicance of this study is that it observes urban systems and ideologies of a country by examining old maps of that nation. Especially, the fact that it concentrates on the boundaries on the map makes it more meaningful.

Dongsun Woo
• Page Hits: 4583         • Entry Date: 12 July 2013         • Last Update: 12 July 2013