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Re-Constructing Combray: Proust's spatiality in A La Recherche du Temps Perdu

Part 1 Dissertation 2017
Andreea Ioana Pirvan
University of Cambridge | UK
The aim of this dissertation is to provide an alternative framework which analyses the spaces of Combray, described in the first novel of Marcel Proust’s monumental À la recherche du temps perdu. It looks at how the author has performed certain changes on the ‘real’ spaces of the town Illiers arriving at the descriptions of fictional Combray in order to emphasise their topographic, artistic, poetic and mythical qualities.
Andreea Ioana Pirvan

Maximilan Sternberg
• Page Hits: 4612         • Entry Date: 10 July 2017         • Last Update: 10 July 2017