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Remediation Techniques for Air Pollution in Skopje

Part 2 Dissertation 2020
Giorgos Andreou
University of East London London | UK
Air pollution is considered the biggest environmental risk to health today, with nine out of ten people breathing polluted air, leading to around 7 million deaths a year. This dissertation, written for the environmental theory module, explores how air pollution affects the environment and human health in Skopje, North Macedonia, which is among the top 10 most polluted cities in Europe.

The dissertation discusses the ways that the inhabitants of Skopje and other countries affected by air pollution such as China try to raise awareness of the issue. Through bibliography, online sources, interviews and site visits in Skopje, it offers an in-depth analysis of the causes and possible solutions to the air pollution problem.

Citizens burn wood at home for domestic heat, electricity is generated by burning coal, and vehicles are largely old and lack exhaust filters. The dissertation suggests remediation measures including improving the insulation level of homes with materials such as hempcrete in order to reduce the heating burden, tighter regulation that requires pollution filters on factory and power station chimneys and vehicle exhausts, and improved policy and education for the long term, in order that the children of Skopje inherit a city with air that’s worth breathing.

Aurore Julien
• Page Hits: 3327         • Entry Date: 02 August 2020         • Last Update: 02 August 2020