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State of Exception: An In-Depth Study of How the Covid-19 Pandemic Will Revise our Perception of a Successful Dwelling Climate

Part 2 Dissertation 2021
Molly Rees Jones
Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool | UK
"In a State of Exception, the government assumes executive power over legislative oversight or approval, our civil liberties are suspended indefinitely, and our human rights are removed, on the justification of protecting our biological existence (Elmer, 2020).

The proposal resides upon the impending societal change that may occur post Covid-19 pandemic on dwelling design. Through analysis of Giorgio Agamben’s work along with multiple case studies that portray both a shielding and herd immunity design approach, the proposal aims to construct an embryonic narrative in aiding a re-evaluated dwelling concept. Fragments of each case study compose an innovative precursor that will either work alongside the state of exception or play a vital part in dismissing it. Examining both shielding case studies (Port Sunlight, Woven City) and herd immunity case studies (Uxcester Garden City, Urban Air Mobility City Integration), this study concludes with a number of design frameworks varying from interior, to exterior and neighbourhood scales. These proposals inherently show that they must become embodiments of their ambiguous state and therefore welcome alterations and criticisms.

Elmer, S., 2020. Giorgio Agamben And The Biopolitics Of COVID-19. [online] Architects for Social Housing (ASH). https://architectsforsocia"

Aliki-Myrto Perysinaki
• Page Hits: 5608         • Entry Date: 15 July 2021         • Last Update: 01 August 2021