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From the Giovannonian Method to Storia Operante: Urban History as a Working Tool in the Contemporary City; Applications In the Urban Fabric of Bucharest

Part 2 Dissertation 2021
Alina Stoica
Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism | Romania
At the basis of the present paper are the researches on the possibilities of working in the historical urban fabric carried out by Gustavo Giovannoni, mainly presented in the work Vecchie città ed edilizia nuova, as well as those carried out by one of the main followers of his ideas, Saverio Muratori. As primary research methods, the study uses throughout the texts of the two theories analysed, with the aim of deciphering their possible applications and nuances in the old urban fabric of Bucharest.

The three chapters of the paper can also be seen as a system within which the order (and their hierarchy) is based on the cause-effect relationship, starting from the scale of a territory (urbanistic scale) up to the scale of the smallest urban plots and buildings (architectural insertion). Also, each one will have a sub-chapter dedicated to the city of Bucharest in which, gradually, the transition will be made to the diploma site and its area – the Antim neigbourhood.

The study aims, therefore, to draw attention to the hidden potential found in the old, sometimes even fragile urban textures of the city, seeing them as a primary reference for the new architectural insertions.

Toader Popescu
• Page Hits: 3196         • Entry Date: 26 July 2021         • Last Update: 26 July 2021