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Heritage, Memory and Landscape in Architectural Design

Part 2 Dissertation 2021
Valentina Pinillos Moscoso
Pilot University of Colombia Bogota | Colombia
Often in architecture there is a bias towards the notion of heritage that favors the conservation of buildings that had a vocation to endure (buildings built by powerful people). In the Colombian context, such bias creates a tension between the listed built environment and the memory and identity of the communities that live within those environments. This research seeks to overcome such tension by exploring ways to articulate the symbolic value of intangible heritage, the memory and the landscape in the design of a Memory Center for a city where the listed colonial architecture and the collective memory of the communities are in constant dispute.

William Blain Lopez
• Page Hits: 1607         • Entry Date: 02 August 2021         • Last Update: 02 August 2021