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Sociable Neighbourhoods: Rebuilding The Sense of Community Through Community Centres

Part 1 Dissertation 2002
Patricia Mugeke
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture And Technology Nairobi | Kenya
For a long time, Nairobi’s high-density residential district has been characterised by deterioration of the social amenities. This is a disadvantaged society that has had little control over the supply of the much needed community and recreational services. It is hypothesised that lack of necessary amenities is showing up in lack of togetherness that is necessary for any community to flourish (HA).

To check on the truth of such an argument, the study was designed as a survey with the objective of assessing the quality of community that is residing in this district. Study was conducted in selected neighbourhoods of this district. The main research method employed was the structured interview. Observation of the social behaviours coupled with photography was used to cross-check the information.
Study established that the absence of necessary facilities for recreation and socialisation had negative effects on the sense of community and the general social togetherness.

It is recommended that policies that ensure that residential neighbourhoods are adequately provided with necessary amenities for social and recreation purposes should be put in place. Study proposes that this along with other planning considerations could enhance the sense of community in the high-density residential areas.

• Page Hits: 5421         • Entry Date: 02 July 2002         • Last Update: 02 July 2002